Sunday, May 31, 2015


Hey guys, it's Rosie, and it's gotten really quiet on here :( I won't be blogging that much anymore x_x I'm sorry... I got a lot of things going on. I'm in an editing group now, i have my own blog which is a lot more work than it seems (Props to you Todd!) And I have a ton of homework... It's hard to juggle it all x-x I'm sad I have to end it this way... good by for now Nightcores :(
xoxo To My First Ever Blog

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Quitting WoozWorld NightCore Maybe..

Hey guy's! It's Princess,so I don't know if I've posted on here before that I might be getting my own blog,well WoozWorld hasn't exactly been very busy and if it's not busy it mean's no one look's at it and if no one look's at it,it mean's no applications,if there's no applications there will be hardly any blogger's and from what I've seen there's only 3 bloggers on WoozWorld NightCore who actually post and well since it's not been to busy..I will be getting my own blog maybe this summer when I finish this year of school and well since it's not been busy I've decided that if I do get my own blog that I will be quitting WoozWorld NightCore.

I finish in June,There's still time to make this blog busy untill then I'll enjoy my MAYBE last day's on WoozWorld NightCore.

Keep calm and Princescajor! :3